The Great Experiment, America, has constructed the greatest civilization the world has ever seen. While it took principles and practices from a variety of other civilizations, the configuration is utterly unique. Never before has man put together such a system which has continuously delivered more freedom, liberty, and prosperity. It is unique in history and remains unique in the world today. As John Quincy Adams stated in 1837: “This organization is an anomaly in the history of the world.” Other successful modern civilizations owe their success to America and are themselves modeled after it, though none have ever reached its level of success. The key element of the American experiment was the focus on the individual, and the individual’s relationship with God. “You’re individuals, [the Founding Fathers were] saying to the colonists. You’re children of God. You’re no longer subject to the king.” It was this concept of pride in the “individual’s” personal efforts to contribute, via work ethic, tenacity, sacrifice, and devout loyalty that had made the NFL “America’s Favorite Pastime.”. The NFL’s earlier generation of players innately connected pride in their accomplishment, the blessings of good health, mentorship/coaching, and disciplined decisions, with a sense of abundant gratitude—a. gratitude to God, who placed them in a nation that allowed them the freedom to pursue far-reaching dreams and visions, and the opportunity to see them come true. As we enter another season of protest of our country’s flag by young, wealthy Black NFL athletes, millions of fans will continue to turn off America’s favorite past time. The NFL, whose brand was once one of our country’s most uniting, is rapidly re-branding itself as a divisive one. In a sport where a player’s lack of decorum deemed detrimental to the game is met with harsh penalties, like celebrating in the end zone, the NFL’s corporate leadership has taken a knee as they allow their platform to be used for political anti-America sentiment. It is possible that by visiting our past, Americans might gain insight as to why successful Black American athletes feel compelled to kneel as we honor our flag, and why White corporate leaders refuse to take a stand to defend it. In a world where slavery, totalitarianism, and kingdoms were the accepted norm, the young American experiment was indeed a paradox. Though it was America that introduced to the world game-changing concepts like “We the People” and “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” it would take another eighty-seven years and over 600,000 American lives to atone for slavery and to begin to align ourselves with our Founders’ vision. Meanwhile, there was another reality for millions of African slaves whose experience mirrored that of a young African boy brought to America in 1848. He arrived in the belly of a slave ship and was sold with his mother at a Charleston, South Carolina auction house. Orphaned by age eight, his harsh, abusive, and deprived American experience was just beginning. His name was Silas Burgess. How can our nation reconcile the deprivation of that young 8-year-old slave with inspirational success stories of other Americans during that same century? For an example, it was the American culture that granted opportunity to a middle-aged Texan, a Republican, whose “federally protected” freedom allowed him to pursue his dreams, to work/risk, overcome, and to prosper. Respected as a pillar of his community, he was a successful entrepreneur who owned over one hundred acres of farmland, which he paid off within two years. He also founded the first church and elementary school in his region of the state. He was referred to as fiercely independent and a very proud American. He was also a Republican. His name was Silas Burgess.Is it possible to embrace a national history today that is such a dichotomy regarding the human experience? The Liberal/Socialist Left says that we shouldn’t. They feel that all reference to “successful” Black American history should be hidden and neglected, leaving behind a narrative of a race that has been weak, overpowered, and oppressed for close to two hundred years. They indoctrinate American children at all levels of education that our country should transfer wealth to today’s Black American population (reparations) to atone for the deeds of White strangers who died one hundred and fifty years ago. They suggest that slavery is the root cause of the misery found within today’s urban community and that there is a “slave owner” gene that has evolved into the DNA of White Conservatives. As per this articulated viewpoint, critical thinking and common sense is not a prerequisite of the Socialist/Marxist Left. Conservatives, on the other hand, point to the success of the Texas Republican as an example of the possibilities available to all Americans when individuals are granted a choice to adhere to the principles and values of success. The middle-aged Texan proved the truth of this philosophy as he partook in the fruit of his labor. His gratefulness and unique connection to an eight-year-old South Carolina slave boy gave him an enduring love and respect for his country and his flag. The two, after all, were one and the same; my great, great grandfather Silas Burgess, whose name I’m honored to carry. Millions of other Americans from every other culture share a similar American experience. It is the gratitude of our present generation for our ancestors’ grit and tenacity that forges a spiritual connection that gives us pride in our country’s flag. It is this connection that has been lost to most Black Americans due to the sanitization of their history. Why I Stand… I Stand—in gratitude to an eight--year-old boy, my great, great grandfather, who remained hopeful, tenacious, and faithful as he grew to proudly serve his family, community, and country. I Stand—in gratitude to a grandfather who, at the age of fifteen, volunteered to serve in WWI. As a successful farmer, he raised twelve children, all of whom, earned college degrees, were part of the Black middle class, and took part in the mid-1900s American Dream. I Stand—in gratitude to a father who succeeded in the day of institutional racism in the arenas of academia, as a researcher, an entrepreneur, a dedicated father and husband, and a pillar of his community. He once recounted that his greatest life decision was volunteering and returning home as a proud WWII veteran. I Stand—in gratitude for the proud, successful, entrepreneurial, and segregated Tallahassee, Florida community that I grew up in. They were determined that they would never be looked down upon or pitied as a race of victims. I Stand—as an example for the millions of Black youth who have not been taught to love God, country, family, and themselves by the Liberal/Socialist Leftist overseers who have controlled the urban community for the last sixty years. I Stand—against the sanitizing of our history. The Liberal/Socialist Left has already done so effectively within the Black community, resulting in the anger and ingratitude seen within the ranks of wealthy and free Black and White entertainers and NFL athletes. This top one percent income-producing group of Americans, who live the American Dream daily, feel justified to kneel in protest when the American flag is presented to honor. And finally… I Stand—to acknowledge my respect for the greatest civil experiment in the history of mankind, America. America is God’s Dream, a land set aside, hidden and protected for eons as a gift to the rest of the world, a promise called Freedom. It is a nation whose beautiful tapestry is highlighted within its diversity, its geological landscapes, people, ideologies, and religions blended and connected with the ideals of tolerance found uniquely within its borders. It is a country whose perfect dist