The Internet paved the way for today’s greatest inventions, discoveries and even breaking into our past and history. Most of us nowadays heavily rely on the internet to learn new things, connect with other people, and learn the history of almost every topic you can think of. Before the discovery of the internet, we heavily relied on books and other references to gain knowledge. Back in the day, written or printed references were commonly used especially by the students who were working on their schoolwork. These references come in different forms and sizes. In some countries like the Philippines, there are like 3ft long charts used by teachers and students during their discussions. Nostalgic as it is, everyone has their fair share of memories spent in public or school libraries where we spent time with our friends or alone reading good books. Most of the time, we go to these kinds of places for paperwork and sometimes, just to really sit down and read a good book along with our favorite snacks, if allowed. Many of us are still fans of reading books and doing research in libraries. For some, they find this way of learning more effective rather than browsing the net. Before, if you want to do your paperwork, you really need a pile of books to really work on what you need to accomplish. Now, with just a few clicks, the answers you’re looking for will be there in front of you in less than a minute or two. Before online streaming was available, many of us would really have to go to movie houses to watch our favorite shows. Now, with a good internet connection, all you have to do is to either download or stream and watch at home at your most convenient time. Back then if we wanted to communicate with our loved ones or friends, we wrote them a letter or used a classic telephone just to talk to them but now, we already have social media. This platform offered a lot of options to connect and communicate with other people all over the world. You can do simple chat, video call, or Facetime, upload and send photos and even watch their every movement through a surveillance camera connected to the internet. A lot of things have changed and along with these changes are its advantages and disadvantages. Some people do not find the internet to be a good innovation because somehow it removed the part of real and genuine human connection. Some find it helpful and convenient since they no longer need to spend money and effort in traveling just to say hi to their friends or family. It really depends on how you see these inventions but at the end of the day, we can’t deny the fact that the internet made our living more advanced and progressive. Compared with our lives 50 years from now, it wasn’t that easy to learn new things or communicate with other people. Our lives now became more fast-paced and in a way, most of us, if not all, find this generation a better one to live in. There are a lot of things you can do now because of the internet. Browsing became easier not just because of the internet. Along with this, the World Wide Web, or simply the Web also led us to many discoveries. The World Wide Web is a database enabling documents and other web resources to be accessed and readily available anytime over the internet to its audience. Admit it or not, this is also one of the many great inventions we really like since it helped us a lot in so many different aspects. This enabled us to access almost everything through our computers or mobile devices. Files, documents, and downloadable media were made accessible to the public for free. Web browsers are used to access almost all kinds of files you may need. The World Wide Web has been recognized as the world’s superior software platform. In this case, the main and primary tool billions of people all over the world leverages to interact, do business, and share data. It was originally created as a document management system or as simple as a database by Tim Berners-Lee. He invented this in 1989 and it became open to the public in the year 1991. The World Wide Web is a global information platform wherein users can access via computers connected to the internet. We often mistakenly think that the Internet is the same as the World Wide Web. Apparently, the Web is a service that operates over the internet. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web while working at CERN. He developed and improved the first web server, the first web browser, and a document formatting protocol, called HTML or Hypertext Markup Language which is more often heard and used in Information Technology and computer technology fields. After publishing the markup language in 1994 and making the browser source available to the public in 1993, many other web browsers were soon discovered and developed. Websites for public consumption and utilization began to emerge in 1994 at which time fierce competition also surfaced in this industry. The initial launch of the Web happened in January 1991 and the first web servers outside CERN were switched on. Berners-Lee published a short explanation of the World Wide Web project. Today, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is the director of the W3C or the World Wide Web Consortium. The World Wide Web or simply the Web and Internet are two different things although we have a tendency of using them interchangeably. Web refers to a collection of files like animations, digital photos, files, music or audio files, text pages, etc. Meanwhile, the Internet, on the other hand, pertains to networking infrastructure responsible for connecting millions of computers and other devices all over the world. Therefore, the Web is essentially a subset of the Internet. Almost everyone is heavily dependent on online resources and in fact, there are more devices in this world that are connected to the Internet than the number of human beings living on Earth. The World Wide Web gained fast acceptance with the creation of a Web browser called Mosaic, which was developed in the United States by Marc Andreessen. Along with other developers, this was developed and was released in September 1993. Mosaic enabled people using the Web to use the same sort of “point-and-click” graphical manipulations that had been available in personal computers for some years. Andreessen co-founded Netscape Communications Corporation in April 1994, whose Netscape Navigator became the dominant and popular Web browser soon after its release in December 1994. BookLink Technologies’ InternetWorks was the first browser with tabs, in which a user could visit another website without opening an entirely new window that is currently available in almost all kinds of browsers, debuted that same year. By the mid-1990s the World Wide Web had millions of active users as it became accessible to the public. Many people really took advantage and a lot of innovations emerged with the help of the Web. Microsoft Corporation, which is known for being one of the most popular up to this date, beca
The Internet paved the way
for today’s greatest inventions, discoveries
and even breaking into our
past and history. Most of
us nowadays heavily rely on
the internet to learn new
things, connect with other people,
and learn the history of
almost every topic you can
think of. Before the discovery
of the internet, we heavily
relied on books and other
references to gain knowledge. Back
in the day, written or
printed references were commonly used
especially by the students who
were working on their schoolwork.
These references come in different
forms and sizes. In some
countries like the Philippines, there
are like 3ft long charts
used by teachers and students
during their discussions. Nostalgic as
it is, everyone has their
fair share of memories spent
in public or school libraries
where we spent time with
our friends or alone reading
good books. Most of the
time, we go to these
kinds of places for paperwork
and sometimes, just to really
sit down and read a
good book along with our
favorite snacks, if allowed. Many
of us are still fans
of reading books and doing
research in libraries. For some,
they find this way of
learning more effective rather than
browsing the net. Before, if
you want to do your
paperwork, you really need a
pile of books to really
work on what you need
to accomplish. Now, with just
a few clicks, the answers
you’re looking for will be
there in front of you
in less than a minute
or two. Before online streaming
was available, many of us
would really have to go
to movie houses to watch
our favorite shows. Now, with
a good internet connection, all
you have to do is
to either download or stream
and watch at home at
your most convenient time. Back
then if we wanted to
communicate with our loved ones
or friends, we wrote them
a letter or used a
classic telephone just to talk
to them but now, we
already have social media. This
platform offered a lot of
options to connect and communicate
with other people all over
the world. You can do
simple chat, video call, or
Facetime, upload and send photos
and even watch their every
movement through a surveillance camera
connected to the internet. A
lot of things have changed
and along with these changes
are its advantages and disadvantages.
Some people do not find
the internet to be a
good innovation because somehow it
removed the part of real
and genuine human connection. Some
find it helpful and convenient
since they no longer need
to spend money and effort
in traveling just to say
hi to their friends or
family. It really depends on
how you see these inventions
but at the end of
the day, we can’t deny
the fact that the internet
made our living more advanced
and progressive. Compared with our
lives 50 years from now,
it wasn’t that easy to
learn new things or communicate
with other people. Our lives
now became more fast-paced and
in a way, most of
us, if not all, find
this generation a better one
to live in. There are
a lot of things you
can do now because of
the internet. Browsing became easier
not just because of the
internet. Along with this, the
World Wide Web, or simply
the Web also led us
to many discoveries. The World
Wide Web is a database
enabling documents and other web
resources to be accessed and
readily available anytime over the
internet to its audience. Admit
it or not, this is
also one of the many
great inventions we really like
since it helped us a
lot in so many different
aspects. This enabled us to
access almost everything through our
computers or mobile devices. Files,
documents, and downloadable media were
made accessible to the public
for free. Web browsers are
used to access almost all
kinds of files you may
need. The World Wide Web
has been recognized as the
world’s superior software platform. In
this case, the main and
primary tool billions of people
all over the world leverages
to interact, do business, and
share data. It was originally
created as a document management
system or as simple as
a database by Tim Berners-Lee.
He invented this in 1989
and it became open to
the public in the year
1991. The World Wide Web
is a global information platform
wherein users can access via
computers connected to the internet.
We often mistakenly think that
the Internet is the same
as the World Wide Web.
Apparently, the Web is a
service that operates over the
internet. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee
invented the World Wide Web
while working at CERN. He
developed and improved the first
web server, the first web
browser, and a document formatting
protocol, called HTML or Hypertext
Markup Language which is more
often heard and used in
Information Technology and computer technology
fields. After publishing the markup
language in 1994 and making
the browser source available to
the public in 1993, many
other web browsers were soon
discovered and developed. Websites for
public consumption and utilization began
to emerge in 1994 at
which time fierce competition also
surfaced in this industry. The
initial launch of the Web
happened in January 1991 and
the first web servers outside
CERN were switched on. Berners-Lee
published a short explanation of
the World Wide Web project.
Today, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is
the director of the W3C
or the World Wide Web
Consortium. The World Wide Web
or simply the Web and
Internet are two different things
although we have a tendency
of using them interchangeably. Web
refers to a collection of
files like animations, digital photos,
files, music or audio files,
text pages, etc. Meanwhile, the
Internet, on the other hand,
pertains to networking infrastructure responsible
for connecting millions of computers
and other devices all over
the world. Therefore, the Web
is essentially a subset of
the Internet. Almost everyone is
heavily dependent on online resources
and in fact, there are
more devices in this world
that are connected to the
Internet than the number of
human beings living on Earth.
The World Wide Web gained
fast acceptance with the creation
of a Web browser called
Mosaic, which was developed in
the United States by Marc
Andreessen. Along with other developers,
this was developed and was
released in September 1993. Mosaic
enabled people using the Web
to use the same sort
of “point-and-click” graphical manipulations that
had been available in personal
computers for some years. Andreessen
co-founded Netscape Communications Corporation in
April 1994, whose Netscape Navigator
became the dominant and popular
Web browser soon after its
release in December 1994. BookLink
Technologies’ InternetWorks was the first
browser with tabs, in which
a user could visit another
website without opening an entirely
new window that is currently
available in almost all kinds
of browsers, debuted that same
year. By the mid-1990s the
World Wide Web had millions
of active users as it
became accessible to the public.
Many people really took advantage
and a lot of innovations
emerged with the help of
the Web. Microsoft Corporation, which
is known for being one
of the most popular up
to this date, beca